Monday, March 2, 2009


Why do some relationships require
you to prove yourself time and again...

While some are just there waiting
To embrace you with open arms,
To forgive you of all the wrongs of the past..

They judge you for what you are,
and not what you did or didnt do.

Why are some relationships so fragile
that you want to take good care so they dont crack..
And the next minute you wonder
why arent they strong enough for you not to worry

Is it just so to make us realize
not all can be taken for granted..

that level is just for a few..

And then you thank God
that atleast there are those some
that you can reach out to, no matter the distance..
no matter the time, no matter the last conversation
no matter what the emotional balance was once due..


Indyeah said...

N this is me in so mnay ways...or rather my life..come to think of it I think most of us have these kind of relationships..

So beautifully have you written about these...
some relationships are so fragile like walking on egg shells...and some are really open..So so true...

you have a way with do..
((hugs))these were beautiful and left an ache in my heart because of some memories best forgotten...

((hugs))god bless you and yours...always:)

Anonymous said...

N, Beautiful and so true about life. I think this is true for many of us or all of us.

Indian in NZ said...

Beautiful lines. Very true as well.

N said...

Indyeah.. Thanks a tonne dearie.. your words are so encouraging.. a Big Hug from me too :)...
hmm..egg shells, now that is an apt comparison:)
yes true..some relationships are best forgotten (hugs)
God bless you 2..he has no other way: A tonne of us wish for u :)

Thanks Solilo :).
Yup true for all of us I guess; when we wish that some particular one was strong enough not to bother..

2B's mommy: Thanks, I am glad u liked it :) I am still waiting for the tag on telling more about urself with the pics:)

Usha Pisharody said...

And then you thank God
that atleast there are those some
that you can reach out to, no matter the distance..
no matter the time, no matter the last conversation
no matter what the emotional balance was once due..

This is so darned beautifully said!
Indeed... :) Lovely poem!

Maald said...

Aren't you glad we aren't completely westernized yet?

N said...

Thank you Usha ji.. :)
am on cloud 9 with ur comment...

Smitha said...

N, That was so lovely and so true!!! Lovely words and a beautiful poem!!!!!

Poonam J said... so glad i visited your blog. Loved this one on relationships.Some relationships are like sand held in the hand, the tighter u hold on the more it slips, while others are woven in silk threads, one knot and there it goes,and then there are those that u pick up threads from where u left, time, distance, nothing matters...they are just there, much a part of us, that discover the best in us, and get the best from us....Relationships indeed are like the weather..they keep changing , and growing, and if r always apart of your life.Loved your post

N said...

@Smitha: Thanks Dear:)

"they are just there, much a part of us, that discover the best in us, and get the best from us" ... -So very True... We can walk a mile longer for some relationships..Go out of our way for some and we realize so much from them